Kyneprox Technology

Kyneprox Srl is an innovative start-up located at the Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino - I3P, with its production site located in the province of Milan in the city of Gaggiano.

Kyneprox aims to bring to the market innovative solutions from the world of dynamic simulation through an unique, innovative and patented kinematic solution.

The company has developed an innovative and futuristic system that redefines the concept of virtual and complex reality gaming: a simulator that shows you images and environments in 4D.

A revolutionary system that goes beyond what is currently proposed on the market both in terms of technology costs and at the same time in terms of the limited space needed for the chair to perform its tasks.

The technology developed by Kyneprox leads to another level of reality and feedback, much higher than any other simulation system on markets today, after testing the VR Experience simulator Kineprox you will find that our products are really special and unique.

The Vr experience consists of a controller and an armchair with remarkable possibilities: from flight simulation application in various sectors such as naval sector, industrial and technical.



The solution given by Kyneprox 3 axes regarding Gear VR (therefore related to the virtual reality world) applications for entertainment video games and / or general promotion of products.

The potential areas of application are not finished. The technology of Kyneprox can also be related as part of a Training Simulator. The current competitors systems, today, reproduce the setting of a screen by stimulating the user only from a visual point of view. From the other hand Kyneprox is a product that stimulates the player to 360 °, thanks to an even more realistic reproduction of reality.

Looking at the different application sectors and future developments, Kyneprox’s technology could be used in two different categories: Naval and the one related to the moving machines such as excavators etc.

For the marine sector the best solution may consist of armchairs (2-axis), inertial platforms with anti roll and pitch logic. Regarding Machines such as excavators, which need a lot of stability and resistance: armchairs 1-axis with anti skidding system.